amazon, Health & Beauty, Vlog

Coffee Stained Teeth? Use Fiberganic Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder

We never thought “such a deep black can make your teeth bright white.  Meet us the “Pido & Dida” and here we are trying the newest Family Brand (FamBrand) 👨‍👩‍👧.


COFFEE STAINED TEETH? Get your Fiberganic All Natural & Organic Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder from unique blend of charcoal powder from 100% organic coconut shells  and baking soda.  Click here to use our Amazon Affiliate Link:

FACTS: Do you know that our 1st family encountered with Activated Charcoal was a lil bit uneasy!!! When our daughter accidentally ingested Haloperidol, she was prescribed with activated charcoal (through oral route) to prevent the anti-psychotic med to being absorbed by her system. Thanking the good God that now its just part of the history.


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